Monday, December 18, 2006

Adventures In Movies

Welcome, for a while I have had my eye on a book at Chapters titled 501 Must See Movies. Ever since I saw it I thought it would be fun to try and watch every single movie in the book. (Some I have already seen) Today I finally picked it up and started the challenge. To document this adventure I decided I would blog my journey.

"Here you will find astonishing achievements in special effects before and after CGI, brave cinematographical experiments, courageous social commentary, staggering performances, debuts and swan-songs. With this book at your elbow you can start and stop angry debates, be stimulated, informed and amused and all before the lights go down and the credits roll. But then, please watch the films described here and form our own opinions."

From the Introduction of 501 Must See Movies.

So here it begins, 501 Movies lay before me to watch and form my own opinions. . .
I hope you enjoy this as much as I think I am going to :)

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