Monday, December 18, 2006


Well tonight I started with Citizen Kane. I finally understand why it is an all time great movie. I also wish I had watched it sooner in my life because it was excellent! The way the story was told was wonderful as well as the cinematorgaphy and camera angles used were very creative and I'm sure cutting edge for their time. I would highly recommend this movie and will watch it again.

Page: 116
Year Released: 1941
Cast: Orson Welles
Library: No I do not own it, but I would consider buying it


spacepotatoes said...

What an awesome idea! It'll be really interesting to see what kinds of movies this leads you (and your readers) to.

One question - are you going through the list in any particular order or just picking at random? I was just curious whether Citizen Kane was #1 or #501 or something in between.

Oh, and thanks for the link to my blog! Now I have to actually update the darn thing :)

adventuresin said...

Hey Rocket Girl :) No problem with the link. There is no order that I am watching the movies, just whatever I feel like as I come across it. We are gonna have to get together because Top Gun is in the book. "I feel the need for speed" A little Tom Cruise party never hurt anyone.