Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Doors

Talk about one messed up movie. My parents said I had to watch this movie so I did with them this evening. After the comment "This music is better when you are stoned." I knew I was in for a weird movie. It was The Doors. With Val Kilmer and Meg Ryan. It documents the story of Jim Morrison. The acting was teriffic, the story was interesting but it was a very odd movie. I guess if you are a big Doors fan you would appreciate it more. The music was good. I don't necessairly know that I would go out and buy it but it was well different. People were messed up in the 70s. Anyways an odd movie, not quite sure about it. . . I think it would have made more sense if I was stoned.

1 comment:

spacepotatoes said...

I saw this at school in gr. 8, I think. It was pretty messed up, but I thought we were just too young to "get it". Good to know that time doesn't help with this one :)