Thursday, December 21, 2006

Yo Ho, Yo Ho A Pirates Life For Me

Last night after a 30 minute debate on which movie to watch with my husband we both agreed on Pirates of The Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. Who doesn’t love Jack Sparrow. Without this character the movie would be nothing. Johnny Depp brings this character alive with unique mannerisms as well as humor that no matter how many times you see the movie you will laugh. The supporting cast is excellent as well. And the story line keeps you watching. I remember seeing this in theatres and fighting with my husband over not wanting to see a ‘pirate’ movie. Well he won that fight and I am glad he did. I love this movie! On a side note, I haven’t seen the new one Dead Man’s Chest yet. It is on my list of movies I would like to see. One day I will watch it.

Page: 58
Year Released: 2003
Cast: Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keria Knightley
Library: Yes I own it – the double disc special edition

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