Monday, January 1, 2007

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, What a waste of time

So maybe I am the only one in the world but I am very dissapointed with Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest. I was expecting more of the first movie with added adventure and more developed characters. It wasn't until about 1 hour and 45 minutes into the movie I saw the first sword fight that had me on the edge of the couch. Yes I will give the special effects a shout out, and the story was good to begin with but it just seemed to drag out to me. I felt the movie was also lacking the known Jack Sparrow humor. There were only a few moments in the movie that made me laugh out loud. I was really looking forward to this movie and all the hype it was getting. So many people told me it was so fantastic as well. I beg to differ. I hope the next one goes back to the roots of a real pirate moive with the sword fights and humor in it we saw in the first Pirate's movie.

1 comment:

spacepotatoes said...

Thank you! Jason and I watched this on saturday night and that was exactly what I was thinking the whole time.

I found the story a bit confusing at first, too many gross things, and definitely not enough Captain Jack. I really loved that woman who gives Jack a jar of dirt, though, I think she was my favourite character this time around.

I'm still planning to watch the third one too, but only because Keith Richards will be in it and who could resist that?