Sunday, December 31, 2006

Those who are tardy do not get fruit cup

Mel Brooks - is fantastic. I have not seen all of his films but I am in the process of watching them all. This again was another movie that was not on the list but the hubby and I watched it. High Anxiety is the film. It is a spoof of many Hitchcock films. It was an excellent movie. If I had seen the Hitchcock movies that he was spoofing I'm sure it would have been more funny, yet Mel still makes me laugh so hard. I bought the Mel Brooks collection with 8 of his movies. Most I have not seen. I am excited to see the rest. I would recommend watching this one. Not my favourite Mel Brooks movie but it can still be appreciated.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Doors

Talk about one messed up movie. My parents said I had to watch this movie so I did with them this evening. After the comment "This music is better when you are stoned." I knew I was in for a weird movie. It was The Doors. With Val Kilmer and Meg Ryan. It documents the story of Jim Morrison. The acting was teriffic, the story was interesting but it was a very odd movie. I guess if you are a big Doors fan you would appreciate it more. The music was good. I don't necessairly know that I would go out and buy it but it was well different. People were messed up in the 70s. Anyways an odd movie, not quite sure about it. . . I think it would have made more sense if I was stoned.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Yo Ho, Yo Ho A Pirates Life For Me

Last night after a 30 minute debate on which movie to watch with my husband we both agreed on Pirates of The Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. Who doesn’t love Jack Sparrow. Without this character the movie would be nothing. Johnny Depp brings this character alive with unique mannerisms as well as humor that no matter how many times you see the movie you will laugh. The supporting cast is excellent as well. And the story line keeps you watching. I remember seeing this in theatres and fighting with my husband over not wanting to see a ‘pirate’ movie. Well he won that fight and I am glad he did. I love this movie! On a side note, I haven’t seen the new one Dead Man’s Chest yet. It is on my list of movies I would like to see. One day I will watch it.

Page: 58
Year Released: 2003
Cast: Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keria Knightley
Library: Yes I own it – the double disc special edition

Monday, December 18, 2006


Well tonight I started with Citizen Kane. I finally understand why it is an all time great movie. I also wish I had watched it sooner in my life because it was excellent! The way the story was told was wonderful as well as the cinematorgaphy and camera angles used were very creative and I'm sure cutting edge for their time. I would highly recommend this movie and will watch it again.

Page: 116
Year Released: 1941
Cast: Orson Welles
Library: No I do not own it, but I would consider buying it

Adventures In Movies

Welcome, for a while I have had my eye on a book at Chapters titled 501 Must See Movies. Ever since I saw it I thought it would be fun to try and watch every single movie in the book. (Some I have already seen) Today I finally picked it up and started the challenge. To document this adventure I decided I would blog my journey.

"Here you will find astonishing achievements in special effects before and after CGI, brave cinematographical experiments, courageous social commentary, staggering performances, debuts and swan-songs. With this book at your elbow you can start and stop angry debates, be stimulated, informed and amused and all before the lights go down and the credits roll. But then, please watch the films described here and form our own opinions."

From the Introduction of 501 Must See Movies.

So here it begins, 501 Movies lay before me to watch and form my own opinions. . .
I hope you enjoy this as much as I think I am going to :)