Monday, January 15, 2007

Springtime for Hitler

I just finished watching The Producers. It is by Mel Brooks and was a hit on Broadway. I wish I could see it on Broadway. It is hillarious. It is about two producers out to make the worse play ever and it turns out to be a success. The music was excellent and acting fantastic. Matthew Broderick was awesome, still adorable as always (you can see his age though compared to Ferris Bueller) I guess everyone gets old sometime. And I was worried that Mel Brooks didn't make his apperance as he always does in his movies. . . but watch until the end of the credits (they just finished as I type) he's there. I would recommend this, watch it once. It'll make you chuckle if not laugh out loud. The outtakes are ok too. Watch them :)

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Pop Quiz: There is a bomb on a bus

I was so excited to see that one of my all time favourite movies was in my book, and that I would have to watch it again for the 5 millionth time! Speed has been one of my favourites since I saw it the first time at the drive in. It was playing with True Lies (which is also in the book and another favourite). I don't know why I love this movie so much. Maybe its because I wanted to be Annie, maybe I just wanted to end up with Jack. You can't go wrong there with Keanu. The more I watch it the more I find it more cheezy then the first time. I notice more and more inconsistancies. I know it practically off by heart. But it never gets old. Who would have thought that a movie about a bomb on a bus would have so many great lines as well as keep you engaged the entire time! I LOVE THIS MOIVE! I don't think this will be a movie I will ever get sick of. It came out 13 years ago and I still watch it at least once a month. Watch this moive! Watch it again and again and again!

Page: 51
Year Released: 1994
Cast: Keanu Reeves, Dennis Hopper, Sandra Bullock
Library: Yes I own it - both the VHS and DVD Special Edition

Monday, January 1, 2007

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, What a waste of time

So maybe I am the only one in the world but I am very dissapointed with Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest. I was expecting more of the first movie with added adventure and more developed characters. It wasn't until about 1 hour and 45 minutes into the movie I saw the first sword fight that had me on the edge of the couch. Yes I will give the special effects a shout out, and the story was good to begin with but it just seemed to drag out to me. I felt the movie was also lacking the known Jack Sparrow humor. There were only a few moments in the movie that made me laugh out loud. I was really looking forward to this movie and all the hype it was getting. So many people told me it was so fantastic as well. I beg to differ. I hope the next one goes back to the roots of a real pirate moive with the sword fights and humor in it we saw in the first Pirate's movie.